Let’s Talk About Business Casual

I’ve had several clients lament to me recently- “where are the good ol’ days of wearing strictly suits to the office?”  A bygone time! “Business casual” is now the name of the game. Busy executives that need to wear something nicer than a shirt and pants every day, I’m talking to you.

Sport coat outfits are like the Wild West for some of my clients as they try to decipher what patterns and colors go together. Many have told me they stand puzzled in the morning, staring at their closet, wondering where to start in choosing an outfit for the day. They can make tough decisions at work, but when it comes to putting an outfit together, they’re lost. And trust me, I know it’s frustrating! 

My advice is to start with the jacket, and work down from there. If your jacket has a pattern in it, pick a shade of color in the jacket as your trouser color to compliment the jacket. If you’re just getting your feet wet with patterned jackets, maybe start with a solid white or blue shirt. For shirts, I like to pair a micro pattern (like a tight check or texture) with a bold pattern jacket and vice versa.  

If you’re only wearing a shirt and pants to work, do yourself a favor and invest in a nice jacket that you can feel confident wearing at your next evening dinner with colleagues, date night, wedding, or business trip. Remember- it never hurts to look your best. Be the Man!


Confidence is Everything